Sunday, September 23, 2007

A little bit stunned and overwhelmed!

It's been what I can only describe as a wild month here at Christian Michael. We knew the site would be liked but it really has shocked us a touch. Had an average of five or six enquiries a day and from all over the country which is amazing for us both. Congratulations to a couple of our friends , Crisp and Kerry, Darren and Neets on the birth of their new baby boys!!

Thank you to our partners Sarah and Ayisha for being so patient as we spend hours shooting and editing in the studio way into the night and weekends. We appreciate you both a huge amount and promise to take some time out for a proper holiday next year! Honest!

Anyway Christmas is coming (sorry!) and it's time to think about portrait bookings for little ones and family alike. Give CM a call for prices and availability. We will put some more portrait shots on the site soon.In the mean time, thans for reading and hope to hear from you soon.

Chris and Mike