Monday, August 27, 2007

Thanks for feedback!

Just a quick note from myself and Chris to say thanks for all the emails about the site, they are appreciated and keep them coming, good or bad.

We know that a few of you have had trouble with the music (in the Exeter area!) so all being well we can get that sorted out pronto.Other than that it seems to have gone down a storm!

The proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say and we have had an increase in our Weddding enquiries over the last ten days so we are delighted that we are getting out there to the masses (thank you Vera in America!). Thank you also to Trish and Amy from a perfect choice for helping us out over the last months. x

Friday, August 17, 2007

2008 wedding dates filling fast!

Business at Christian Michael is booming and wedding days for 2008 are swiftly filling. For a young business we are stunned by the support and custom we have received. We will endeavour to update the blog on a regular basis (although we really are a touch bewildered by it!).

Anyway, thanks for visiting the site, let us know what you think and enjoy it!.

christian Michael.

Thursday, August 16, 2007